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 Asunto: Los Rohirrim y los Anglosajones
NotaPublicado: Mar, 05 Nov 2013, 12:28 
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Registrado: Vie, 03 Ago 2012, 16:16
Mensajes: 1741
Buenas, preguntando por el grupo de SAGA de facebook me han comentado que los rohirrim por estética y trasfondo con quién más similitudes tienen históricamente es con los Sajones.

He aquí un artículo que lo explica (está en inglés): ... -overview/

It is generally considered that the Rohirrim are modelled closely on the ancient Anglo-Saxons – though more the Anglo-Saxons of song and legend than the actual historical figures. This connection with the Anglo-Saxons of myth struck many chords with Tolkien:
- Anglo-Saxon: his specialist area of study,
- Myth – by the time he wrote “The Lord of the Rings” this was his first love, and
- A connection with his beloved West Midlands by calling Rohan “The Mark”.


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